
Call of duty black ops multiplayer is just as good if not better than the previous games. You still earn experience points from each game that you play and there are rewards for different levels that you gain. The online multiplayer games in call of duty black ops are the main reason that many people buy the game.

Call of duty black ops has 14 multiplayer maps. COD7 also has all of the usual game modes, like Headquarters, team deathmatch, demolition and domination.

The main difference between the previous call of duty modern warfare 2 and call of duty black ops is that in COD 7 you not only gain experience points to go through the levels but you also gain COD points. With the COD points that you earn you can chose what you would like to buy with them. This can include weapons, camo, perks and even adding your clan tag to your weapons. You can also earn COD points by choosing to take part in some contracts.

In call of duty black ops the way your character looks in the game will depend on which perk you have attached in the perks slot 1 option.

There are also new killstreak awards in call of duty black ops. Some of the new killstreak rewards are an explosive remote controlled car, dogs are back and you can also control the gun in the chopper.