Killstreak rewards

In call of duty black ops you still have the killstreak rewards system that have been in the previous games but with a twist.

They have made it a little harder to gain the rewards as it is only the kills that you make that go towards them and not the kills from any killstreak rewards that you have previously used. For example, in call of duty black ops if you have killed 5 people with your weapons and then use napalm strike then it doesn’t matter how many people that napalm strikes kills you are still only on 5 kills and so need to kill more enemies with your weapons to gain the next killstreak rewards that you have turned on.

Here is a list of all of the killstreak rewards that are available in call of duty black ops. As in the other games you can only have 3 turned on but with COD 7 you must buy each killstreak rewards with the COD points that you have earned whilst playing the games.

3 Kills

Spy Plane

This is pretty much the same as the previous games and sends a spy plane into the sky to circle the area showing up any enemies on your map.
Spy planes can be shot down quite easily but if they don’t then they will last for around 30 seconds. Anyone that has the ghost perk on will not be detectable by the spy plane.

Unlocked by default.


New to the game this is the remote-controlled car that you take control of and drive around the map searching out your enemies. You can boost the car and also make a hand brake turn. When you find your enemies then you simple detonate the RC-XD to blow them up.

Great fun.

Unlocked: 1200 CoD Points

4 Kills

Counter-Spy Plane

The counter spy plane can be sent up into the sky and will basically counter act the spy plane that your enemies have sent up so they will not be able to see you on the map.
Only use this if you hear your enemy has just activated their spy plane, you’ll be surprised how many people use it when there isn’t an enemy spy plane in the sky and thus wasting it.

Unlocked: 1600 CoD Points

SAM Turret

The SAM turret is gained via a care package drop. When you have received it the you can deploy it in the map and leave it to scan the skies automatically. When the SAM turret spots an enemy aircraft it will send a missile into the sky and take it down.

Unlocked: 1600 CoD Points

5 Kills

Care Package

The care package is the same as all previous games and drops a random killstreak reward for you to collect. This can be very beneficial if you get one of the better killstreak rewards but they are generally the lesser killstreak rewards. Unlike previous call of duty games the helicopter that brings in your care package can actually be shot down so make sure you chose wisely when to use it.

There are two exclusive weapons that can only be found inside a Care Package: A rocket launcher called The Grim Reaper and a fantastic gun called the Death Machine minigun.

Unlocked by default.

Napalm Strike

The Napalm Strike is an airstrike that you call in to an area that you chose on the map. The good thing about the napalm strike is that once it has been dropped then it lingers around for a few seconds so your enemy might think its safe to go out but still get killed.

Unlocked: 2400 CoD Points

6 Kills

Sentry Gun

The sentry gun will come in like a care package. When you have collected the sentry gun you can place it on the map and it will then be armed and automatically scan the surrounding area. When the sentry gun spots an enemy it will shot them. You can disable a sentry gun by coming up behind it and stabbing it.

Unlocked: 3200 CoD Points

Mortar Team

The mortar team lets you choose 3 spots on the map to drop mortars on. When you have picked the 3 areas then they will be sent in so make sure you are not standing in one of the areas or you will get killed.

Unlocked: 3200 CoD Points

7 Kills

Cobra Attack Helicopter

When selecting this reward it will send in a Cobra Attack Helicopter to seek out the enemies and kill them. Unlike in previous call of duty games you pick the area you would like the attack helicopter to patrol.

Unlocked by default.

Valkyrie Rockets

The Valkyrie Rockets are new to call of duty black ops and are sent in via the care package method. You send the Valkyrie Rockets into the air and then you can control them remotely to seek out your enemies. They are quite tricky to get the hang of and they have limited fuel that’s indicated by a green bar.

Unlocked: 4000 CoD Points

8 Kills

SR-71 Blackbird

The SR-71 blackbird killstreak reward sends a SR-71 Blackbird into the sky to scan the map. With the SR-71 blackbird you not only see where your enemy is like the spy plane but it also shows the direction in which they are going. The SR-71 blackbird cannot be shot down but people using the ghost perk will still not be shown on the map.

Unlocked: 4500 CoD Points

Rolling Thunder

This will let you chose the area in which you would like to drop a carpet bomb on the map, which is much the same as the stealth bomber in previous games.

Unlocked: 4500 CP

9 Kills

Chopper Gunner

This is the same as previous call of duty games and lets you take control of the gun in an attack helicopter.

Unlocked: 5000 CoD Points

11 Kills

Attack Dogs

The Attack Dogs are back and again are a very effective killstreak reward to use. The attack dogs will keep going for about 30 seconds and will hunt down all of your enemies and kill them.

Unlocked: 6000 CoD Points


This is by far the best killstreak reward in the game. You take control of the minigun in a helicopter gunship. There is no hiding from the gunship and this will gain you lots of kills if you obtain it. Very good!

Unlocked: 6000 CoD Points